“Thanks in part to the SMART Education programs, Westcoast Painting has been able to lower mod rates and minimize work related injuries.”

In this 3 part series we will cover the many aspects of tasks, responsibilities and interpersonal skills fundamental for successful, productive and respected supervisors.
• Improve Work Habits by dealing effectively with some the tough issues...tardiness, mistakes, avoiding work tasks, gossip, while maintaining the self-esteem and gaining the commitment of the team member
• As Supervisor learn to Coach, Develop and Mentor Employees beyond just talking
• Direct and Execute Expectations to get the Results you need
• Delegate, when, to whom, why and how for the process to be effective
• Communicate to establish an atmosphere of openness, trust, respect and accountability
• Learn to use your natural strengths to your advantage
• Get to the root of employee problem behaviors and eliminate them
• Turn problems with difficult employees into positive results
• Holding employees accountable and optimizing productivity
Register for one session, or all three (Complete Series)